# # Sample ~.map.conf file # # This file has two purposes: # 1) Map the channel ids used by the website into something more meaningful to your PVR, e.g. # map==74==BBC 1 # will change '74' to 'BBC 1' in the output XML. # # These lines are of the form " map=={channel id}=={my name} ". # # Note: to pass tv_validate the "my name" portion must be a RFC2838 format name, e.g. # map==74==bbc1.tvguide.co.uk # # 2) The second purpose is to likewise translate genre names. So if your PVR doesn't have # a category for 'Science Fiction' but uses 'Sci-fi' instead, then you can specify # cat==Science Fiction==Sci-fi # and the output XML will have 'Sci-fi'. # # These lines are of the form " cat=={incoming genre}=={translated genre} ".. # # # Some example lines follow - delete these and replace with your own requirements. # # # Translate the programme genres # cat==Environment==Nature cat==General Movie==Film cat==Advertisement==Shopping cat==Science Fiction==Sci-fi # # Convert incoming channel ids to names which are acceptable to tv_validate_grabber # (but may be rejected by your pvr!) # map==74==bbc1.tvguide.co.uk map==89==bbc2.tvguide.co.uk map==172==itv1.tvguide.co.uk map==145==film4.tvguide.co.uk